Product – Architectural Design Film
Private Residence, Co. Dublin
How many times have you said or heard ‘I want a new kitchen’?
Almost immediately, an image pops into your head of mess, stress, distress and excess cost. Now there’s an easy response. Introducing SURFACEWOW.
The no stress, no mess, no excess cost approach to renovation and transformation. Let me introduce you to Patricia. Trish had a lovely kitchen but after 14 years, she felt it was time for a face lift. 14 years of 4 kids swinging out of doors, running toys into kick-boards and climbing up the handles, the kitchen was in need of a refresh.
Her options included a totally new kitchen which seemed excessivebecause it was really only the doors and kickboards that were scuffed and needed modernising. The units themselves along with the design of the kitchen still fitted the room like a glove.

She thought her only option was to paint the kitchen until she talked to SurfaceWow who love renewing old spaces by using resurfacing materials. SurfaceWow presented her with a range of options from their Architectural Design Film range, a durable long-lasting self-adhesive film which is designed to cover all surfaces. Trish could chose from solid colour to woods, metal effects and stone effect finishes.

The films could add a pop of colour, a stylish refresh to the kitchen but also add a bit of depth and a bit of texture to the kitchen units. In the end, Trish picked her own colour and design from the range of design films because most importantly, it created the look and feel that she wanted on her kitchen, a look that represents her and one that she can smile at everytime she enters the kitchen.
One thing always leads to another. So to go with the new up-styled look, Trish decided to change the door handles and replace them with new leather handles, which the SurfaceWow installer did easily.
Trish continued to look around and identified what else could be given a modern design and renewed? She opted for her kitchen table. It’s a simple fact of life. Every kitchen table will endure knocks, spills, hot stains, scratches, penmarks or colours (even if nobody admits to putting them there) over its lifetime. The good news is that now you can transform it from shabby chic to stylish, ‘let’s invite friends over’ chic. So her kitchen table and a writing desk were next up to get redesigned. New architectural design films were chosen to cover the table and desk, films which matched the new look kitchen.
The Result
A completely new looking looking kitchen which took two days. No mess, no stress, no excess cost, no dust, no strong smells and very little disruption. It’s now a kitchen that impresses everyone that visits.